Saco Watershed Collaborative Action Plan
The SWC Strategic Action Plan is a “living document” that changes annually based on the priorities that partner organizations identify as being high priority at the SWC Annual Meeting. View this document for a summary of 2019 & 2020 Accomplishments.
Saco River Estuary Report 2015
When the Saco Estuary Project began in 2009, the ecology, social and economic characteristics of the Saco River estuary were not well understood. Learn more about the fish, birds and plants discovered in southern Maine’s largest watershed.
Collaborative Learning for Ecosystem Management
Written by Dr. Christine Feurt, this Collaborative Learning Guide describes a practical method for transforming the science to management paradigm from the traditional delivery of science-based Information to engaging the diverse expertise of professionals and local ecological knowledge.
NH Department of Environmental Services Model Groundwater Protection Ordinance
NH DES’s primary role is to provide technical and financial assistance and to enforce state regulations that serve to protect the state’s sources of drinking water. Effective protection relies on the combined efforts of the state, water suppliers, municipalities, businesses, institutions, and individuals whose activities have the potential to affect source water quality and availability.
University of Michigan Executive Summary of the Saco River Watershed
This Executive Summary was written by graduate students of the University of Michigan. The project goal was to determine the possibilities for collaboration in the Saco River Watershed by comparing and recommending other watershed collaborative models. For the final report, please contact
Innovative Use of State Revolving Funds for Source Water Protection
This final report documents the pilot project completed by Northbridge Environmental Management Consultants and outlines a strategic plan to utilize SRF funds for Collaborative action tasks.
Saco River and Swift River Corridor Management Plan
This Saco-Swift River Corridor Management Plan (CMP) was developed by the Saco-Swift River Local Advisory Committee (LAC) to manage these resources, with technical support from FB Environmental Associates (FBE) and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). An assessment of natural, managed, cultural, and recreational resources informed the management issues of the river corridor and the action plan presented in this document.