Saco Watershed Events Calendar - check out events happening within and surrounding the watershed that aim to protect and enjoy the resource. Many events hosted through Saco Watershed Collaborative partners.
The Maine Sustainability & Water Conference provides an annual forum where professionals, researchers, consultants, citizens, students, regulators, and planners gather to exchange information and present new findings on sustainability and water resource issues in Maine.Launched in 1994 by UMaine’s Senator George J. Mitchell Center with a primary focus on the future of Maine’s water resources, the conference has grown to incorporate topics related to many of the sustainability challenges facing Maine, including issues related to climate change, energy futures, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, tourism, and municipal planning. The conference attracts a broad audience of close to 500 participants from across the state.
Saco Watershed Collaborative update
Presentation: Tribal Nations of Maine and Throughout the Landscape
Chuck Penney will present on the history of Native American Tribes in Maine and throughout Indian Country. Chuck is the NRCS Outreach Coordinator and State Tribal Liaison. He has been working with tribes in Maine for more than 30 years and is a cadre for USDA training program, Working Effectively with American Indians.
Meet at the Heart of Biddeford office (next to the awning for City Theater) to meet other volunteers interested in Friends of Clifford Park. Plan what FOCP will do next, and dialogue with the city's Recreation Department about the longer-term funding and plans for Clifford Park's upkeep.
The financial and human cost of storms continues to increase. The oceans and atmosphere are warming and that means more energy to create powerful storms. Sea level rise also creates new challenges for low-lying coastal communities and tidal areas. Today, we’ll look at a variety of water control methods covering applications from entire cities to airports, highways and rail yard to products for the at-risk homeowner.
This Ted Exford Climate Stewards lecture is supported by Dave & Loretta (Exford) Hoglund.
Rob Kibler has spent his more than 50-year career entirely in the water control industry. Most of that career was working for Rodney Hunt in Orange, MA, a manufacturer of a wide variety of flow control solutions. He is currently the Vice President of Engineering. Over his career, he has consulted with the USACE, South Florida Water Management District, the NYCDEP and the Public Utilities Board In Singapore. While historically, Rodney Hunt concentrated on drinking and wastewater treatment plants, an increasing share of its revenue comes from environmental resiliency projects like storm surge and flood protection and tidal zone management.
In 2019 wildlife artist, naturalist and birder Michael Boardman was selected to be Arctic National Wildlife refuge’s artist in residence. His residency was spent studying and sketching the variety of birds nesting on the coastal plain with ornithologists working to record threats to these birds. Michael will share stories about the migratory birds that breed in the arctic, its unique natural history and why we should be invested in preserving its wilderness character, all through his sketches and artwork.
St. Francis Room Ketchum Library